Hellou, my name is Aislan Douglas, 29 years old and father of a little girl.
NFT Artist https://Illustrator https://Colorist https://Designer https://Tattoo Artist.
In Greek mythology there are 9 muses. They were the nine daughters of Mnemosyne and Zeus. Women who guide us through art, history, science and new discoveries. The muses sing the present, the past and the future. Inspiration is something majestic, divine and intangible... That which guides the idea and part of the divinities. The nine muses are: Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia and Urania.
Post Pandemic Proportions was a collection created through skin-deep feelings, based on the poems of the Brazilian poet Augusto dos Anjos. She Reflects my feeling, and every moment i'm living in this particular era. "Mint by Request"