A traditional graphite pencil artist who combines with digital art. Inspiration by people, life, and a person's struggle.
Pencils in Beauty
Pencils in Beauty 1/1 edition from Nesaart. Combine traditional art (Graphite pencil) with digital art. This collection is all about how humans think. I draw so many themes especially at the head with some animals depending on the story behind it.
1/1 edition from Nesaart. Combine traditional art (Graphite pencil) with digital art. Every artwork has a deep meaning. Some pieces bring water as a theme with a great story behind it. Human life and what they feel always be a wonderful story because everyone has a different story.
PENAMASK is a 1/1 edition traditional art graphite pencil mix with digital art. PENAMASK means Pencil and digital mask. I combined women's portrait art from traditional graphite pencil with manual digital art. This artwork depicts a woman's character and beauty depending on the animal that I draw as a mask plus accessories. The character of each woman here can be explained by each animal character itself without explaining it through words, that's the reason why all of the animals cover each character's mouth. Sometimes the animals describe the character better than words.