Axie Infinity Economic Balancing Adjustments for 2022
Axie Infinity, the most popular play-to-earn (P2E) game, just released a development journal addressing the adjustments about in-game economic balance.
Today, the Axie Infinity team released an economic balancing update that introduced a lot of new changes but also cut some key features that were unexpected and quite shocking for many players around the world.
Axie Infinity's mission has always been to create engaging, enjoyable, and rewarding game experiences for everyone, and the team believes that this is best enabled on top of open, decentralized foundations that allow everyone to contribute, collaborate, and thrive as a community. In addition to that, finding a balance between all of the game dynamics is a continuous process for Axie Infinity and Sky Mavis team. While everybody felt the euphoria of incredible growth and prosperity, now the game recently entered a period of economic uncertainty, which made the last few months difficult for everyone.
Consequently, the team just released an update today to ensure a healthy, predictable economy evolves over time as the devs take the responsibility of economic balance within the Axie universe extremely seriously.
On January 4th, Axie Infinity published a Dev Journal: ‘Economic Balancing Post’ with three goals in mind: to create a framework for community dialog about economic balancing, to prepare the community for upcoming economic changes, and, most importantly, to solicit community input. Thus, the day has come and the changes are about to occur.
“One of the most common topics of conversation within the Axie Infinity ecosystem recently is around the Smooth Love Potion (SLP). We’ve been amazed by the level of thoughtful input you all have shared with us, and we also empathize with many of your concerns,” the developers reported.
SLP inflation has been extremely high, with approximately 4x more SLP being minted per day than being burned, through breeding. However, the developers have been actively seeking ways on how to strategically reduce SLP issuance in order to balance the economy and build more burn mechanisms. As a result and to reduce supply, the team decided to lower SLP emission rates by cutting SLP rewards for daily quests and PvE. Thus, removing the daily cap of 50 SLP earned from adventure mode, which will remove approximately 130 million SLP per day.
Changing the ratios of in-game incentives is another option; it aims to have a more equitable distribution of AXS rewards through gameplay, with the developers considering increasing AXS in Leaderboard rewards while decreasing SLP rewards to high MMR players.
“We believe that these economic changes will allow us to start righting the ship and getting the economy moving in the right direction. We know that it will be key to execute on delivering new burn mechanisms this year. These issuance reductions will not be enough to get our economic engine back to full strength, but they are a needed step as we build towards a fully-functioning and sustainable economy. When Origin is released, it will be very important for us to share a roadmap of the coming features and economic sinks that will be added as we iterate quickly on the game.” Axie Infinity team said.
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