Coinbase NFT Marketplace Getting Ready to Launch
Coinbase is almost set to deploy its most awaited NFT marketplace, proclaiming via email to its two million wait-list members that "it's almost here" while the battle for NFT marketplace domination rages.
There are already a few NFT exchanges, but Coinbase, like it did with cryptocurrencies, might make it possible for more people to purchase, trade, and hold NFTs. This shift may allow the NFT market to support more artists and musicians while also providing new methods for consumers to collect digital items and play online games.
In a message intended to prepare the NFT collector for its arrival, Coinbase made its bold pronouncement earlier this Monday including enticing views of the finished product as well as thorough directions on how to get started.
The email also included information on the partnership with Mastercard. A strategic move that will allow customers to buy digital assets with a credit card, avoiding a number of crypto-related barriers to entry into the NFT world. In other words, this partnership aims to give customers new payment options and make it easy for anyone to acquire NFTs with a Mastercard card. Thus, this collaboration is part of Mastercard's larger effort to help the crypto ecosystem by providing additional crypto wallet options and cybersecurity precautions. The NFT marketplace from Coinbase is anticipated to open soon.
Twitter's NFT profile pictures were also mentioned, implying that Coinbase NFT could be the next platform to connect with Twitter's NFT technology.
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