
North Korean Lazarus Group Allegedly Behind March Ronin Bridge Hack

The Treasury Department has updated its SDN list to allegedly link the North Korean cyber-criminal Lazarus Group to the Ronin hack...
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The Treasury Department has updated its Specially Designated Nationals (SDN)  list to allegedly link a major cyber gang to the mega-heist that occurred last month.

The US Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons (SDN) list was updated on Thursday to reflect the possibility that the North Korean cyber-criminal Lazarus Group was responsible for last month's Ronin Bridge hack.

The hack, which occurred on March 23, was valued at more than $600 million at the time. It is one of the biggest robberies of its kind in web3 history and was discovered several days after the fact.

Today, the FBI linked the Ronin Validator Security Breach, which resulted in a loss of over 173,600 Ether (ETH) and 25.5 million USD Coin (USDC), to the North Korean-based Lazarus Group according to Chainalysis, which was announced on Twitter. Ronin also confirmed the information.

The hack had an impact on the play-to-earn role-playing game Axie Infinity, which was created by the Vietnamese studio Sky Mavis. The game's creators have raised more than $150 million in an effort to compensate affected users.

North Korea Designation Update: Here

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