Jesse Walden is a man who is at the very front of the campaign to help founders understand and grow the ownership economy. Founder of the Variant Fund, Jesse Walden has used his growing platform online and in real life to talk about the ownership economy. Ownership economy, as explained by PCMag, “has referred to blockchain-based ventures that make it easier for individuals to earn capital via crypto tokens that can be converted to cash.” Jesse Walden, though the Variant fund has raised $110 million for supporting and investing in founders who will build the ownership economy. Aside from activities with the Variant Fund, Jesse also shares his passion for NFTs, publishing information on the latest trends that hit the market. In recent posts, Jesse expressed his excitement for music NFTs, stating that music NFTs is exactly where digital arts was in 2020. He believes that, in the near future, music NFTs are “about to redefine the value and (100x) the business model of the medium forever.”