Tyler Winklevoss is an avid advocate of blockchains in general. Co-founder of the leading cryptocurrency exchange and custodian, Gemini, Tyler Winklevoss and his brother and co-founder, Cameron Winklevoss, are some of the most recognizable persons of influence in the crypto space. On social media, Tyler often turns his attention towards shifts in the cryptocurrency market. He still, however, shares NFT works from artists he likes, sharing his platform with artists he likes. In the spirit of his advocacy, Tyler has also launched an effort in donating to charity, together with Cameron, using bitcoin as their medium of goodwill, entrusting the Bitcoin Water Trust to forward their help to those in need. Having cracked the 975,000+ mark on Twitter followers in 2021, Tyler is among the most followed blockchain advocates on the bird app. Tyler believes that blockchain is the key to opening more businesses in the world. On his Twitter feed is a thread on why he believes this is the case. For those who want to get an idea of why exactly, the thread may be a good point to start learning.